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Anthony Grieco

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Photography courtesy of Rhys Logan.


About Red Mammoth.

Red Mammoth is a media production company. It was also the name I gave to a pickup truck my dad used to drive when I was a kid - a Ford F250 super cab. And yes, there is a woolly mammoth connection as well. We were always told they had originated in Asia and had migrated across the Bering land bridge, right down the Pacific coast, and likely even grazed in the areas around our hometown. It was my favourite animal.

Red Mammoth Media is devoted to projects that engage and compel audiences to navigate cultural divides - just like those migrating mammoths all those years ago...

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Shepherds in the Cave

An international team of art restorers and archaeologists inside a network of ancient caves encounter a community of shepherds that have used the caves for centuries.

Feature documentary produced with support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Learn more…



Italian Film Festival, Vancouver International Film Centre

(2018, Vancouver, Canada)

First Ontario Performing Arts Centre, the Film House

(2018, St. Catherines, Canada)

Serile Patrimoniului 2018 Cultural Heritage Series, Casa Artelor Gallery

(2018, Timisoara, Romania)

The Archaeology Channel International Film Festival

(2018, Eugene, Oregon, USA)*

Honourable Mention Audience Favourite Award

Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) Film Festival

(2017, Bristol, UK)

Ethnografilm Festival

(2017, Paris, France)

Cinema on the Bayou

(2017, Louisiana, USA)*

(*Special Jury Prize, Documentary Feature Category)

Cinema Grande

(2017, Altamura, Italy)

Teatro della Memoria

(2017, Jesce, Italy)